Personal Forecast
From your astrological chart a forecast can be drawn that is personal to you.
Akin to a weather forecast, it will foretell of times that are stressful and times of ease: times to act and times to step back and take things easily.
In modern astrology we take the view that it is possible to adjust to the circumstances that are occurring in our lives and diminish anxiety, reduce the pain of crisis and find strategies and pathways to inner strength and healing. Your forecast will be told from the perspective of empowering you with the information you need to forge a renewed pathway of strength and wisdom. In my view, it is the astrologer’s task to provide you with both the insight and foresight you need to deal with life in an easier and more effective way. Like a weather forecaster, we cannot stop the rain; but we can tell you when the rain will come, what this may mean for you, what its dynamical function or spiritual/karmic purpose is and what you can do to minimise any discomfort and even make practical use of it. We can also, of course, inform you of the timing of when the storms of life will end and sunshine returns. Many people find that knowing the timing of when a challenging period will come to an end helps you to find the inner resolve to handle things more effectively and healthily. The reading: Typically, a Personal Astrological Forecast will take approximately two hours. Consultations are not strictly timed as the aim is to provide you with the best opportunity for healing and self development. Consultations are conducted iin Zoom video call and a video of the recording is emailed to you within 48 hours. A personal Astrological Forecast has three stages of exploration: Although the primary focus of a forecast is to look ahead, your consultation will begin with a slight retrospective review of the life chapter in which you are currently living in Time. The Astrological Life chapters are: 0 to 3 – 3 to 7 – 7 to 14 – 14 to 21 – 21 to 29 – 29 to 42 – 42 to 59 – 59 and beyond … This helps to both place your forecast within a broader context of your life and also gives you the opportunity to evaluate the intuitive skill of the Astrologer in practice. The second stage explores the areas of life currently active in your personal astrology and the final stage takes a close look at your personal astrology over the next 12 months. If your timeline of life can be viewed as a play; stage one of the reading describes the chapter you are currently passing through, stage two sets a closer scene and stage three gives the details of the pages.Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
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